V O T E re-grouping

Boun Urbanscape: symbiosis is a competition challenging designers to identify the character of an urban environment and to create street elements that would "speak for the city." Based in Philadelphia, we chose the city we are proud to live and work in.

Our concept was to play off of Philadelphia's bottom-up, community powered approach to create public spaces in underutilized locations, marking neglected infrastructure, transforming vacant lots and other non-places. This design challenge was a great opportunity to imagine how small innovations can begin to transform the entire identity of a place.
The modules were designed to be flexible and easily manipulated to provide different functions that would respond to the challenges.
Once on the website select our project "re-grouping" under "entries" on the side bar. Then proceed to click "View full project" on the bottom of the window. This should then prompt a "login" button; this does not require one to create an account. Listing an email or connecting through facebook is simply to limit people to one vote. Finally, click the heart to appreciate the post and cast your vote!
The deadline to vote is August 5th