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Feasibility study
Stanev Potts was asked by a property ownership group to speculate about their site’s potential relative to ongoing zoning redistricting. Located next to the entry of the proposed rail park, the property holds the potential to be a gateway to the park, as well as to maximize density within the limits of a CMX-3 zoned property. A CMX-4 zoning designation would similarly constrain the potential massing of a structure, but would also allow for bonuses, aligning both developer and neighborhood interests.
We held multiple working sessions with the Commerce Department, Center City District, and the Coucilman’s office to structure an outreach and feedback plan that could demonstrate community support. We organized and led presentations and Q&A with highly interested community organizations (PCDC, CNA, and FRP). While ultimately we fell short of the designation change for which we had aimed, we did lay the groundwork for popular support of a large, landmark development to occur on the client’s site with extensive, multilevel connection with the rail park.
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